Compressed Air Pipe

The compressed air reticulation is the 'other half' of a successful and efficient compressed air system. A poorly designed layout can result in air pressure loss, contamination and excessive energy bills as the compressor works on overload to compensate for these inefficiencies. Transair

To meet demands for high flow rates on machines and industrial equipment, Transair provides a robust piping solution, for immediate commissioning, which is adaptable to all setting on machines and industrial equipment.

Modular design and Flexibility: The Transair range is the simplest and fastest solution on the market for fluid distribution. The modular design eases the different stage of connection: pre-assembly of the machine for testing, dismantling and final installation on site.

Optimized piping: Lightweight, with a choice of different colours to allow different fluids to be easily identified. The type of material and the flexibility of Transair pipes allow them to adapt to all requirements.

Aesthetic & clean solution: All Transair components are corrosion-resistant and reusable. Once fluid has been filtered upstream, its quality maintained with the distribution system (in accordance with ISO standard 8573-1, class 1.1.1).

Optimal productivity of machines: Threadless Transair connections with unrestricted interior diameters optimize the flow of the distributed fluids. The Transair solution does not require maintenance and production shutdowns are significantly reduced.